Singularity - How to Run on HPC

We have discussed about the containers already Singularity Containers. You can have a look at it if you wish to get an insight into the world of containers. In this section we deal with its usage on the HPC.


On the HPC, Singularity containers must be only run on compute nodes as they are too resource-intensive for login nodes

Commands at a glance

Singularity commands mostly used are given below. The container.sif refers to a sample container and example.def refers to a sample definition file

#Build a container
singularity build container.sif example.def

#pull an existing container from a hub
singularity pull docker://gcc

#Shell Into the container
singularity shell container.sif

#running a container (More on this in subsequent sections)
singularity run container.sif

#attach overlay to the existing container
singularity shell --overlay overlay.ext3 container.sif

#Execute a command inside container
singularity exec container.sif ls -l

#Mounting/Binding a filesystem to the container
singularity -B /share/apps/NYUAD

#Singularity help (very helpful)
singularity help
singularity help build

Interact With Container


The shell command allows you to spawn a new shell within your container and interact with it as though it were a small virtual machine.

singularity shell hello-world.sif

Don’t forget to exit when you’re done.

Executing commands

The exec command allows you to execute a custom command within a container by specifying the image file.

singularity exec hello-world.sif ls -l /
singularity exec hello-world.sif /scratch/user/userid/myprogram

Running a container

Execute the default runscript defined in the container

singularity run hello-world.sif

Files in a container

The filesystem inside the container is isolated from the filesystem outside the container. In order to access your files on a real, physical filesystem, you have to ensure that filesystem’s directory is mounted. By default, Singularity will mount the $HOME, $SCRATCH and /share/apps/NYUAD directory as well as the current working directory $PWD. To specify additional directories, use the SINGULARITY_BINDPATH environment variable or the --bind or -B command line option.


To access cluster filesystem in the container, it is convenient to pre-create these folders in your container

mkdir /scratch
mkdir /share/apps/NYUAD


singularity --bind "/scratch,$TMPDIR" [commands]

Singularity Overlays

You can use the singularity overlays to have a writable filesystem on the top of your existing container. This is useful in the following scenarios:

  • Install applications on the top of an existing container

  • if you have directories which generate/have a large number of smaller files (order of 100K).

  • conda installations which consume the number of files quota

You can use the overlay filesystem with your existing container as follows:

singularity shell --overlay overlay.ext3 container.sif

For more info info on overlays, Kindly look at the links below:

GPU in a container

If your container has been compiled with CUDA version >= 9, it should work with the local GPUs. Just add the --nv flag to your singularity command.

singularity exec --nv tensorflow-gpu.sif python3

Sample job script


#your SBATCH commands go here
#SBATCH -n 10

# execute the default runscript defined in the container
singularity run tensorflow.sif

# execute a command within container
#  the command should include absolute path if the command is not in the default search path
singularity exec tensorflow.sif /scratch/wz22/

Build and Modify your own containers

For building conatiners, please refer to the sections here.