Access Jubail

Want to access Jubail? Follow the guide below for Linux / Mac and Windows.

Linux / Mac

Inside NYU Network

For Linux/Mac, execute the following command, change <NetID> to your actual username.

ssh <NetID>

If you need X11 for GUI interface, add the -X option.

ssh <NetID> -X

Outside NYU Network


You could either first connect to NYU VPN NYU VPN and then connect to Jubail directly. Choose as your VPN server.

Bastion Host

Or, use bastion host as instructed below.

  1. Connect to bastion host.

ssh <NetID> -p 4410
  1. On bastion host, connect to Jubail.

ssh <NetID>

Tunnel configuration

Or, use tunnel configuration to make things easier as instructed below.

  1. Add the following to your $HOME/.ssh/config on your local workstation. Replace <NetID> with your actual NetID. Make sure your local port 8023 is available.

Host tunnel-ad-hpc
   Port 4410
   ForwardX11 yes
   LocalForward 8023
   User <NetID>

Host tunnel-jubail
   HostName localhost
   Port 8023
   ForwardX11 yes
   User <NetID>
  1. Open a terminal. Run the following and keep this terminal alive.

ssh tunnel-ad-hpc
  1. Open a new terminal. Run the following to connect to Jubail.

ssh tunnel-jubail
  1. If you want to transfer data instead, use the following example.

rsync -rav ./local-folder-to-upload tunnel-jubail:/scratch/<NetID>/remote-folder-on-jubail


Inside NYU Network

We recommend Mobaxterm/Putty as your ssh client. Putty is available for download here:

  1. (First-time login only) Setup Butinah session in your putty.
    1. Open Putty. Go to Category -> Session.

    2. Type in Host Name (or IP address).

    3. Type Jubail under Saved Sessions.

    4. Click Save button. A new session called Jubail will appear in Saved Sessions.

  1. Select Jubail session. Click Load button.

  2. Click Open button.

The configuration will look like this screenshot.

Outside NYU Network

You could either first connect to NYU VPN NYU VPN and then connect to Jubail directly. Choose as your VPN server.

Or, use bastion host as instructed below.

  1. Follow the instructions above as inside NYU Network, but connect to the host with port 4410 instead of

  2. Once you are connected, run this in the terminal on

ssh <NetID>

Now you are on Jubail.