GPU nodes on HPC

Currently Jubail HPC holds 89 GPU nodes equipped with NVIDIA-A100 and NVIDIA-V100 cards.


Know more about the Centralized HPC Miniconda,TensorFlow(Keras) and PyTorch installations available here

Step-by-step guide

In order to submit jobs to be allocated in the GPU nodes, these are the slurm directives (where <NUMBER> is the number of GPU cards requested):

#SBATCH --gres=gpu:<NUMBER>

#SBATCH -p nvidia


The following limits apply to the GPU partition in Slurm. These limits might change in the future depending on the demand:

  • Max CPUs per user = 80

  • Max GPUs per user = 8

  • Max jobs per user = 8

  • Max allowed walltime = 96 hours

  • Default walltime = 5 hours

If you would like to analyze your GPU jobs, Please refer to following section: Analyzing GPU Usage