Connecting VS Code to HPC using SSH



Users are encouraged to use the Web version of VS Code (Code-Server) available on the HPC. The Code-server can be found in the Interactive Apps section of the HPC Web Interface (

This documentation provides step-by-step instructions on how to connect your local VS Code to a High-Performance Computing (HPC) system using SSH. By establishing an SSH connection, you can leverage the power of the HPC resources while utilizing the familiar and feature-rich VS Code editor.

The below steps also achieve the following:

  • This will connect to the compute nodes and not the login nodes and hence prevent any overloads on login nodes.

  • Eliminate the possibility of the non terminated vs code-related background processes which may cause login issues on the HPC


It is recommended to have enabled passwordless ssh on your private PC’s for seamless experience. Find the guide here Passwordless SSH


  • A local installation of VS Code.

  • Basic knowledge of SSH and working with remote systems.

Step 1: Modify SSH Config File

Add the following configuration to your SSH config file:

Host hpc
  User <NetID>

Host hpc-job
  ForwardAgent yes
  StrictHostKeyChecking no
  ProxyCommand ssh hpc "/opt/slurm/default/bin/salloc --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=8 --time=9:00:00 /bin/bash -c 'nc \$SLURM_NODELIST 22'"
  User <NetID>

Replace <NetID> with your username. This configuration allows you to connect to the “hpc-job” host.

Step 2: Connect with VS Code Remote-SSH Extension

To remotely connect VS Code to one of the compute nodes, perform the following steps:

  1. Install the Remote-SSH extension in your local VS Code instance.

  2. Open the Command Palette in VS Code (press Ctrl+Shift+P or Cmd+Shift+P).

  3. Search for and select the Remote-SSH: Connect to Host option.

  4. Choose the hpc-job host from the list of configured hosts.

  5. VS Code will establish a remote SSH connection to the compute node.