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Authors/Co-Authors |
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Subtropical jet regulates Arabian winter precipitation: A viable mechanism |
Olivier M Pauluis |
Title |
Authors/Co-Authors |
1 |
Francesco Paparella |
Title |
Authors/Co-Authors |
1 |
Anatomy of a summertime convective event over the Arabian region |
Deepak Gopalakrishnan |
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Zouhair Lachkar |
3 |
Pacific decadal oscillation causes fewer near-equatorial cyclones in the North Indian Ocean |
R S Ajayamohan |
4 |
Francesco Paparella |
Title |
Authors/Co-Authors |
1 |
Recent expansion and intensification of hypoxia in the Arabian Gulf and its drivers |
Zouhair Lachkar |
2 |
Callisto’s atmosphere: First evidence for H2 and constraints on H2O |
Shane R. Carberry Mogan |
Title |
Authors/Co-Authors |
1 |
Role of Diurnal Cycle in the Maritime Continent Barrier Effect on MJO Propagation in an AGCM |
R S Ajayamohan |
2 |
Evaluating the Arabian Sea as a regional source of atmospheric CO2: seasonal variability and drivers |
Zouhair Lachkar |
3 |
Sourav Taraphdar |
4 |
Fast local warming is the main driver of recent deoxygenation in the northern Arabian Sea |
Zouhair Lachkar |
5 |
Sourav Taraphdar |
6 |
Zouhair Lachkar |
Title |
Authors/Co-Authors |
1 |
V Praveen |
2 |
R S Ajayamohan |
3 |
The influence of collisions and thermal escape in Callisto’s atmosphere |
Shane R. Carberry Mogan |
4 |
Fast local warming of sea-surface is the main factor of recent deoxygenation in the Arabian Sea |
Zouhair Lachkar |
Title |
Authors/Co-Authors |
1 |
Strong intensification of the Arabian Sea oxygen minimum zone in response to Arabian Gulf warming |
Zouhair Lachkar |
2 |
Major impact of dust deposition on the productivity of the Arabian Sea |
Muchamad Al Azhar |
Title |
Authors/Co-Authors |
1 |
Diana Francis |
2 |
Modulation of winter precipitation dynamics over the Arabian Gulf by ENSO |
R S Ajayamohan |
3 |
Zouhair Lachkar |
4 |
Atmospheric overturning across multiple scales of an MJO event during the CINDY/DYNAMO campaign |
Olivier M Pauluis |
5 |
Multiscale atmospheric overturning of the Indian summer monsoon as seen through isentropic analysis |
Olivier M Pauluis |
6 |
Decline and poleward shift in Indian summer monsoon synoptic activity in a warming climate |
R S Ajayamohan |
7 |
Dimitrios Giannakis |