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Vivek Kumar Singh |
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Ilya Spitkovsky |
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Authors/Co-Authors |
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Duflo-Serganova homology for exceptional modular Lie superalgebras with Cartan matrix |
Dimitry Leites |
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Authors/Co-Authors |
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Non-degenerate invariant (super) symmetric bilinear forms on simple Lie (super) algebras |
Sofiane Bouarroudj |
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Dimitry Leites |
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On Gradings Modulo 2 of Simple Lie Algebras in Characteristic 2 |
Andrey Krutov |
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Variation of Néron-Severi Ranks of Reductions of K3 Surfaces |
Edgar Costa |
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Edgar Costa |
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On algorithmization of Janashia-Lagvilava matrix spectral factorization method |
L Ephremidze |